certification / ˌsɜr tə fɪˈkeɪ ʃən, sərˌtɪf ə- /


certification 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of certifying.
  2. the state of being certified.
  3. a certified statement.
  4. the writing on the face of a check by which it is certified.
  5. Law. a certificate attesting the truth of some statement or event.

certification 近义词


等同于 ingression


等同于 appointment


等同于 paper/papers


等同于 proof


等同于 reference


等同于 guaranty

certification 的近义词 4
certification 的反义词 1

等同于 papers

certification 的近义词 4
certification 的反义词 1

等同于 registration


等同于 certificate


等同于 authentication


等同于 intromission


等同于 admission


等同于 affirmation


等同于 discovery


等同于 guarantee


等同于 hallmark


  1. They also must enact quality certification processes to offset risks of disruptions in times of uncertainty.
  2. Helen Adeosun is CEO of digital training platform CareAcademy, which provides health care organizations with online video coursework to help employees stay up-to-date on their certifications and training requirements.
  3. If in the end the commission revokes an officer’s certification, the relevant records become public and must be retained for at least 30 years.
  4. There are also certain things that a non-profit certification would prevent them from doing, including endorsing political candidates.
  5. MTS’s board is increasingly paying attention to the quasi-public police department MTS operates, where officers do not receive the training or certification typical of law enforcement.
  6. The certification, which lasts three years, was renewed by then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in 2012.
  7. “The government failed to show that it had adequate basis for the certification,” he wrote in August.
  8. Even then it can take several years to receive certification.
  9. Beyond medical board or nursing association certification, candidates must have a valid passport and yellow fever vaccination.
  10. Whatever, the certification is absurd and should be changed immediately.
  11. I am aware of the large powers of certification which Governors can exercise under the Reform Act.
  12. Eleventh: thorough inspection and certification by local authorities of all houses and "dwellings" inhabited by the poor.
  13. "I don't need any certification, dear," said Max, gently; but he did not smile.
  14. There was this time no certification of His identity further than the aid He had given, no showing of His hands and feet.
  15. But the experiments in segregation, in licensed systems, and certification have not been considered successful.