backbiter / ˈbækˌbaɪt /


backbiter2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

back·bit, back·bit·ten or back·bit; back·bit·ing.

  1. to attack the character or reputation of.
v. 无主动词 verb

back·bit, back·bit·ten or back·bit; back·bit·ing.

  1. to speak unfavorably or slanderously of a person who is not present.

backbiter 近义词


等同于 shrew


等同于 enemy


  1. The widow was no gossip, no backbiter, but a woman of opinions and a nimble tongue undeterred by fear or favor.
  2. I know thee for a liar, a deceiver, a backbiter, and a spirit of insatiable malevolence.
  3. The flatterer, the backbiter, the spy,—these find here a rich soil.
  4. Would the slanderer, or backbiter, or hypocrite, indulge their habits if they realized this truth?
  5. Here is something to confute the old backbiter,' and he clapped with his thick short hand a heavy leather pocket-book.