traducer / trəˈdus, -ˈdyus /


traducer 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

tra·duced, tra·duc·ing.

  1. to speak maliciously and falsely of; slander; defame: to traduce someone's character.

traducer 近义词


等同于 attacker

traducer 的近义词 4

等同于 traitor


等同于 enemy


  1. White with passion, the words hissing from his lips, he vowed to take vengeance on the traducer of his niece.
  2. To hear of Festing's thrashing her traducer had given her a pleasant thrill, but all the same she vaguely disapproved.
  3. Philadelphus, fearing that she was about to spring at the throat of her traducer, sprang between the two women.
  4. On the contrary, Noah with his followers was condemned as a rebel, as a heretic, as a traducer of the dignity of State and Church.
  5. According to this vile traducer the priests are devoid of all honor and all the moral virtues.