archenemy / ˈɑrtʃˈɛn ə mi /


archenemy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural arch·en·e·mies.

  1. a chief enemy.
  2. Satan; the Devil.

archenemy 近义词

n. 名词 noun


archenemy 的近义词 6


  1. In the south, the Gulf States view their Persian nuclear neighbor as a permanent archenemy.
  2. He now reveals that Rich kept Israel alive through boycotts by supplying the country with oil, much of it from its archenemy Iran.
  3. But he was not prepared for the skilful trap which his archenemy was baiting for him, and into which he was to promptly fall.
  4. Thus does that archenemy favour his friends for a time, and thus does he at last reward them.
  5. Leithgow vouchsafed his archenemy no more than a look, but turned to the Hawk.
  6. The archenemy and his angels are thus left upon an earth devoid of human beings.
  7. He was not the archenemy of the movement (as some of the boys themselves thought): he simply had no use for it.