harridan / ˈhɑr ɪ dn /


harridan 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a scolding, vicious woman; hag; shrew.

harridan 近义词

n. 名词 noun


harridan 的近义词 7


  1. On Bates Motel, Vera Farmiga masterfully transforms a would-be harridan into a new kind of protagonist: the sensual hysteric.
  2. Our latest cartoonish harridan is neither saint nor monster.
  3. She was suddenly convinced there was no reason to play Martha as harridan.
  4. He stood in front of the virtuous harridan, his lips working, his fingers convulsively clutching the air.
  5. Commerce in this instance is depicted as a dissolute harridan, deep sunk in gin.
  6. Charles listened dully as the curse was droned, nor was he surprised when the harridan fell, blasted by it.
  7. She had been quite sure that the offer was about to be made when that odious old harridan had come in and disturbed everything.
  8. It is not necessary to be a prude or a skinny old harridan either, to inveigh against the custom.