shrew / ʃru /


shrew 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a woman of violent temper and speech; termagant.

shrew 近义词

n. 名词 noun

mean lady


  1. For example, in the masked shrew, tail and leg length have increased significantly since 1950.
  2. Since then, scientists have taken samples from thousands of animals, including shrews and lizards.
  3. Next were short-tailed shrews, with reddish teeth and venomous saliva.
  4. That’s because all chicks are entirely dependent on the parents for food, and food, in this case, is usually a small rodent, like a vole or a shrew, that can’t be easily split.
  5. What gives tree shrews their drinking superpower, however, remains a mystery.
  6. Read another way, she is a horrible mother, an uptight snob, and a bit of a shrew.
  7. All the parts for women are awful, and chauvinistic and they have to play a shrew.
  8. Her popularity is up, her guard is down, and her image as a shrew is a relic of the past.
  9. That's especially evident in the sequence with an elephant shrew in Africa.
  10. Saying this, the shrew pointed to a confused form, hidden under a long white veil that trailed on the floor.
  11. Then, the masked shrew—for so we humans have named this escape from Lilliput—flashed out into the open.
  12. This flexible muzzle he twisted here and there, sniffing uncertainly, for the shrew has but little sense of smell.
  13. His head angled into a long whiskered snout, so pointed that from above the shrew looked like a big pen.
  14. Confident in the fighting ability of his family, he had yet to learn that odds are nothing to a shrew.