ataraxia 的定义
- a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity.
ataraxia 近义词
等同于 tranquility
等同于 naturalness
ataraxia 的近义词 38 个
- peace of mind
- serenity
- spontaneity
- affluence
- calm
- calmness
- casualness
- comfort
- content
- contentment
- easiness
- enjoyment
- gratification
- happiness
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- inertness
- informality
- leisure
- luxury
- passivity
- poise
- prosperity
- quietness
- quietude
- relaxation
- repose
- rest
- restfulness
- satisfaction
- security
- tranquility
- unceremoniousness
- unrestraint
- bed of roses
- requiescence
- supinity
ataraxia 的反义词 21 个
等同于 unceremoniousness
ataraxia 的近义词 38 个
- affluence
- calm
- calmness
- casualness
- comfort
- content
- contentment
- easiness
- enjoyment
- gratification
- happiness
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- inertness
- informality
- leisure
- luxury
- naturalness
- passivity
- poise
- prosperity
- quietness
- quietude
- relaxation
- repose
- rest
- restfulness
- satisfaction
- security
- serenity
- spontaneity
- tranquility
- unrestraint
- bed of roses
- peace of mind
- requiescence
- supinity
ataraxia 的反义词 22 个
等同于 unrestraint
ataraxia 的近义词 38 个
- affluence
- calm
- calmness
- casualness
- comfort
- content
- contentment
- easiness
- enjoyment
- gratification
- happiness
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- inertness
- informality
- leisure
- luxury
- naturalness
- passivity
- poise
- prosperity
- quietness
- quietude
- relaxation
- repose
- rest
- restfulness
- satisfaction
- security
- serenity
- spontaneity
- tranquility
- unceremoniousness
- bed of roses
- peace of mind
- requiescence
- supinity
ataraxia 的反义词 22 个
等同于 ease
ataraxia 的近义词 38 个
- affluence
- calm
- calmness
- casualness
- comfort
- content
- contentment
- easiness
- enjoyment
- gratification
- happiness
- idleness
- inactivity
- inertia
- inertness
- informality
- leisure
- luxury
- naturalness
- passivity
- poise
- prosperity
- quietness
- quietude
- relaxation
- repose
- rest
- restfulness
- satisfaction
- security
- serenity
- spontaneity
- tranquility
- unceremoniousness
- bed of roses
- peace of mind
- requiescence
- supinity
ataraxia 的反义词 22 个
等同于 equanimity
- When the sage realizes this, he will cease to prefer one course of action to another, and the result will be apathy, "ataraxia."
- The Sceptic in seeking ataraxia in the things of opinion, does not entirely escape from suffering from his sensations.
- Ataraxia came to the Sceptic as success in painting the foam on a horse's mouth came to Apelles the painter.
- The method, however, by which ataraxia or peace of mind could be reached, was peculiar to the Sceptic.
- The aim of Pyrrhonism was ataraxia in those things which pertain to opinion, and moderation in the things which life imposes.