sangfroid / French sɑ̃ˈfrwa /


sangfroid 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. coolness of mind; calmness; composure: They committed the robbery with complete sang-froid.

sangfroid 近义词

n. 名词 noun


sangfroid 的近义词 5


  1. There are those, however, who don't equate sangfroid and good manners with maturity.
  2. With sangfroid, Mom snuffed out her cigarette with the toe of her high heel.
  3. So given his sangfroid ‎it is likely that Mr. Costas has old-fashioned pinkeye.
  4. That fact alone permits Christie loyalists to greet the new negativity with a healthy degree of sangfroid.
  5. French authorities on Thursday saluted the cyclist-witness's sangfroid under the circumstances.
  6. It was his sangfroid which was responsible for the devotion with which the soldiers rushed against the enemy.
  7. Then Kemeny stood up with imperturbable sangfroid and buckled on his sword, but refused to wear armour.
  8. He understood that he was unceremoniously dismissed, but he was not the kind of man to easily lose his sangfroid.
  9. Where was the aristocratic sangfroid which should have made him proof even against so much perturbing news?
  10. Accordingly his first act was with characteristic sangfroid to order these commodities quietly.