wordlessness / ˈwɜrd lɪs /


wordlessness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. speechless, silent, or mute.
  2. not put into words; unexpressed.

wordlessness 近义词


等同于 dumbness

wordlessness 的近义词 4

等同于 speechlessness


  1. In the movie’s gorgeously shot, wordless opening, a teenage girl escorts her little brother to school by pulling him along on a rough wooden board fitted with wheels.
  2. His Underground Railroad lingers on individual images, incorporating wordless, lyrical passages that reveal characters’ interior landscapes.
  3. The law firm claimed that the user posted the wordless one-star review to their Google My Business listing with the intent to cause damage to their reputation or profession and to dissuade potential clients from doing business with them.
  4. “We conclude that, as a matter of law, a one-star wordless review posted on Google Review is an expression of opinion protected by the First Amendment,” the Michigan court stated.
  5. The image is so familiar as to leave an art reviewer wordless.
  6. This creative experiment in virtually wordless filmmaking, which we ended up calling Day One, freed us in so many ways.
  7. The Caldecott-honored Red Book by Barbara Lehman has been described as “a wordless mind trip for tots.”
  8. Behind the commonplace sentences, the hidden wordless Play also drew on towards its Curtain.
  9. The verbose Marmot, wordless; the listless Slaughter, dominant.
  10. Hitherto they had been voiceless, wordless, needing all their breath for their hard-labouring efforts to break down the gates.
  11. The ice around Xenie's frozen heart melted at that wordless prayer.
  12. He was, said Larry, grim and he rarely spoke; but a close, wordless friendship had developed between them.