laconism / ˈlæk əˌnɪz əm /


laconism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. laconic brevity.
  2. a laconic utterance or sentence.

laconism 近义词


等同于 silence


等同于 noiselessness


等同于 quietness


等同于 soundlessness


等同于 speechlessness


  1. For a day or two following Devereau's unsatisfactory laconism nothing developed.
  2. I am glad you have connected your negotiations and anecdotes; and, I hope, not with your usual laconism.
  3. This I shall endeavour to interpret, by developing to the best of my ability the laconism of the philosophical naturalist.
  4. His friend obeyed him, more alarmed by Andre's laconism than he could have been by some sudden explosion of passion.
  5. This laconism came from the lips of a young man who was walking along the Levee of New Orleans.