hush-hush / ˈhʌʃˌhʌʃ /


hush-hush 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. highly secret or confidential: a hush-hush political investigation.

hush-hush 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The Church would “deal with the families in as limited way as possible, and pay them hush money.”
  2. And they must just accept that after 20 years of trying to hush us and badmouth us.
  3. Escorting is big business on the straight side too, only more of a hush-hush operation.
  4. She hesitated to explain any further because, she said, “TLC has kind of told us to hush-hush.”
  5. My mother took me to a live radio show in downtown Houston, and we had to be all hush as the skits were conducted.
  6. Here there was a scuffling sound in the basket, and the Roc rapped on the cover with her hard beak, and cried, "Hush!"
  7. How still and calm the night was, the very stars were painted on the sky, the lights were low, there lay a hush upon the audience.
  8. He caught his breath, he paused, then stepped within on tiptoe, and the hush of four thousand years closed after him.
  9. He was taken up for dead; and Richelieu and the Cardinal conjured me to hush the affair.
  10. Amid the hush that followed, the stranger picked himself slowly up, and sought to wipe the filth from his face and garments.