taciturnity / ˌtæs ɪˈtɜr nɪ ti /


taciturnity 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the state or quality of being reserved or reticent in conversation.
  2. Scots Law. the relinquishing of a legal right through an unduly long delay, as by the silence of the creditor.

taciturnity 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Jean Paul Sartre rendered the idea with neat, existential taciturnity: “No Exit.”
  2. Probably what most recommended her to the critical mind of Miss Warrender was her impassive taciturnity.
  3. The man Ward must have lost some of his taciturnity, for the girl was laughing gaily at whatever he was saying.
  4. His replies were perfectly ingenuous, evincing nothing of the natural taciturnity and shyness of the Indian mind.
  5. Sergeant Newton Spooner returned to his routine duties with a grim taciturnity which did not invite conversation.
  6. On the subject of my uncle, the old coachman's taciturnity gave way to torrents of reproach.