te / teɪ /


te 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. ti.

te 近义词


等同于 heightened


  1. They have one of the most highly drafted TEs ever, and he looks good.
  2. Originally a Sanskrit word, namaste is composed of two parts – “namas” means “bend to,” “bow to” or “honor to,” and “te” means “to you.”
  3. The other two are da—meaning father—and te—an alternate spelling of ti.
  4. To Connolly and Morris, Bulger was a TE, or top-echelon informant, the highest designation in the Bureau for a snitch.
  5. Castro recalled the tender moment when he whispered, “Que Dios te bendiga,” or “May God bless you,” to his only child.
  6. TE Lawrence, for example, finally recognised “that I could not sincerely take on the Arab skin,” and the same is true of Paddy.
  7. My feelings for Nice are a bit like what is sometimes written on Mexican cakes for Valentine's Day: te amo y te odio.
  8. Note the original line: 'Ne fu fardee ne guignie'; and again in l. 2180: 'Mais ne te farde ne guigne.'
  9. But the F. text has te contendras, which perhaps means 'shalt struggle.'
  10. Aristoxenus promises to treat of Systems, 'and among them of the perfect System' (peri te tn alln kai tou teleiou).
  11. They were more real than anything past, present, or to come, and his being sang a Te Deum of thanksgiving.
  12. He killed four men in fair knife fightin', an' each time come free in co'te.