strenuous / ˈstrɛn yu əs /


strenuous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by vigorous exertion, as action, efforts, life, etc.: a strenuous afternoon of hunting.
  2. demanding or requiring vigorous exertion; laborious: To think deeply is a strenuous task.
  3. vigorous, energetic, or zealously active: a strenuous person; a strenuous intellect.

strenuous 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

difficult; requiring hard work

adj. 形容词 adjective

energetic, zealous


  1. The National Weather Service has already put out an alert to advise people from doing strenuous activities in the hottest hours of the day and to stay extra hydrated.
  2. There’s excellent hiking around Lake Atitlán, too, including a strenuous four-mile jaunt to the summit of Volcán San Pedro, at 9,908 feet.
  3. This is a more strenuous hike that will test your limits, but you’ll get a good variety of solo hiking as well as some populated areas and campsites, if you’re in need of some emergency socialization.
  4. Electric mowers are much, much lighter than their gas-guzzling brothers, so a push mower may not be as strenuous to operate as you think.
  5. This one is 2 inches taller than most conventional toilets, making it easier and less strenuous to sit and do your business.
  6. His body has endured harsh heat and constant strenuous activity.
  7. Endorphins are released during sex, just as they are during a strenuous workout.
  8. But a glitch has the video stuck in permaload mode and my patience is running thin after that strenuous hour of “math”.
  9. Socratic dialogue during strenuous exercise: take that, effete philosophers!
  10. She saw women carrying firewood, and how long it took, how strenuous, and the effect it was having on their health.
  11. A strenuous worker, Mr. Johnstone, like most men who have no hobby, did not long survive his retirement from active business life.
  12. The strenuous efforts made by the Spaniards to secure their release are fully referred to in Chap.
  13. Christianity has been for fifteen hundred years the religion of the brilliant, brave, and strenuous races in the world.
  14. Philip Livingston, a signer and a strenuous advocate for the declaration of independence, died.
  15. That is, Gaston greatly desired it; but this desire yielded to his wife's strenuous opposition.