abstruse / æbˈstrus /


abstruse 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: abstruse theories.
  2. Obsolete. secret; hidden.

abstruse 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

difficult to understand


  1. Similar to a number of those games from back in the day, like “Grim Fandango,” it’s filled with puzzles that turn on abstruse logic.
  2. More interesting than these abstruse ruminations were her political instincts at the conclusion of the formal broadcast.
  3. It is when studies requiring abstruse thought are reached that the facility in acquisition of the savage races comes to an end.
  4. It cast its searching eye into the most abstruse inquiries which ever tasked the famous minds of the world.
  5. It established important psychological truths and created a method for the solution of abstruse questions.
  6. Philosophy kept pace with geometry, and those who observed Nature also gloried in abstruse calculations.
  7. You,” said I. “You drive a nail as if it were an abstruse problem in differential calculus.