solved / sɒlv /


solved 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

solved, solv·ing.

  1. to find the answer or explanation for; clear up; explain: to solve the mystery of the missing books.
  2. to work out the answer or solution to.

solved 近义词

v. 动词 verb

answer, resolve


  1. We know more than ever about how students reason, process information and solve problems.
  2. I always think about what my favorite creators are building in their homes and what problems they are trying to solve.
  3. Whoever’s fault it is, we either all chip in to solve it or we all suffer.
  4. I was only looking for a generic term that helps me to solve my most immediate problem, which is to create a logo.
  5. She wants them to think about different ways to solve a problem.
  6. But one extra trick would instantly solve the problem of crashes that occur over water.
  7. This is the first study of its kind in Turkey and raises the possibility that a private solution could solve a public problem.
  8. To solve the problem, we need to study a lot more comets and meteorites.
  9. Is there anyone who thinks the urgent problem we need to solve in Washington, D.C. is how to allow more spending on campaigns?
  10. “I doubt you can solve range and the need for a large magazine with the same missile,” he said.
  11. To solve this one I stopped on the tavern steps, leaned against a pillar, and gazed through the dozing village.
  12. But, though a capital sabreur, he was evidently not made to solve questions in diplomacy.
  13. In the preceding chapter we have endeavoured to solve the question what are the qualities that constitute good tone.
  14. The meetings were held secretly behind closed doors because of the grave problems which the convention had to solve.
  15. To solve this problem, is to know the remedy; and to know it, is but necessary, in order successfully to apply it.