softheaded 的定义
- foolish; stupid.
softheaded 近义词
softheaded 的近义词 52 个
- absurd
- asinine
- brainless
- cockamamy
- crazy
- daffy
- daft
- dippy
- doltish
- dotty
- fantastic
- fatuous
- feebleminded
- half-baked
- half-witted
- harebrained
- idiotic
- ill-advised
- ill-considered
- imbecilic
- imprudent
- incautious
- indiscreet
- injudicious
- insane
- irrational
- jerky
- kooky
- loony
- ludicrous
- lunatic
- mad
- moronic
- nerdy
- nonsensical
- nutty
- preposterous
- ridiculous
- senseless
- short-sighted
- silly
- simple
- stupid
- tomfool
- unearthly
- unintelligent
- unreasonable
- unwise
- wacky
- weak
- witless
- zany
- There were stomachs, taut and flat, but also undulating bellies, soft and bloated from the breakfast buffet.
- Here she is in June saying “Trans politics and feminism have never been headed to the same place.”
- Starting under Theodore Roosevelt and Howard Taft, embassies headed by career diplomats increased in number.
- Rodriguez now headed home to his kids, as did thousands of other police parents.
- He headed west in 1860 for health reasons and to join the gold rush in Colorado.
- And once more, she found herself desiring to be like Janet--not only in appearance, but in soft manner and tone.
- A few small rocks of some soft stone may be added, and in between these the Ferns are planted.
- His face flushed with annoyance, and taking off his soft hat he began to beat it impatiently against his leg as he walked.
- The delicious soft rains set in early, promising a good grain year.
- But he forgot the stagnant town, the bald-headed man at the club window, the organ and "The Manola."