insane 的定义
- not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged.
- of, relating to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged: a wild and insane look on her face.
- Law. considered to be or to have been affected with insanity, and therefore lacking legal responsibility or legal capacity: The judge deemed him criminally insane on the basis of his delusions and hallucinations.
- temporarily unable to think clearly: I think I'm going insane from all the noise outside.
- utterly senseless: an insane plan.
- Slang. excessive or extravagant; extreme: This much snow in April is just insane!
- Slang. astonishingly great; wonderful: Without his insane performance, the film would've been a total flop.
insane 近义词
mentally ill; foolish
insane 的近义词 41 个
- batty
- bizarre
- crazy
- deranged
- idiotic
- irrational
- irresponsible
- mad
- nuts
- paranoid
- preposterous
- psychotic
- senseless
- cracked
- crazed
- cuckoo
- daft
- demented
- derailed
- fatuous
- frenzied
- impractical
- loony
- lunatic
- maniacal
- mental
- moonstruck
- nutty
- of unsound mind
- off one's rocker
- out of one's mind
- psychopathic
- rabid
- raging
- raving
- schizophrenic
- screwy
- touched
- unhinged
- unsettled
- wild
insane 的反义词 13 个
- One question I asked him was whether he considered himself clinically insane.
- It was insane how quickly this post spread and people started sharing with each other.
- To better position your title tag, use high impact, power words like best, exclusive, insane, and so on.
- It’s insane to me that I am still told by some nurses that they have to reuse their masks for two weeks.
- The sea shanty arose midway through the last millennium as a breed of work-song for sailors to while away the time, forge communal bonds, and generally keep from going insane.
- After all, what says Christmas more than obligations, gastrointestinal distress, and insane dining companions?
- Yet she spoke of his dignity in such an insane situation and when she touched on his pain she expressed her own on his behalf.
- It's insane that you are losing friends in real life because of their ignorance on the Internet.
- “It's insane to see what the extreme version of that type of helpless anger combined with mental illness can create,” Cook wrote.
- Now we need to change the insane policies that lead to his killing.
- After an hour's insane remonstrance, he gave in to his own alarm, rather than to the persuasion of his partner.
- The attitude of the nineteenth century upon this point was little short of insane.
- Some corporations are still denied voluntary action, as well as minors and insane persons.
- It is not quite so easy to state rules that apply to insane persons because their conditions vary so greatly.
- And again when an insane man has made a contract, the relief to which he is entitled depends on circumstances.