retrocession [ rĕt′rō-sĕshən ]


retrocession 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    retrocession 近义词


    等同于 ebb


    1. Near the bottom, however, it became abruptly wider by the retrocession of the walls.
    2. Farewell to happiness which might be found by retrocession to a natural and primitive life!
    3. The Chinese in demanding the retrocession of Kuldja labour under the one disadvantage that they come to oust a beneficent rule.
    4. And a young man, whom I saw yesterday, was seized with asthma on the retrocession, or ceasing of eruptions on his face.
    5. The retrocession of the Transvaal in 1881 has been much lauded as an act of magnanimity and justice.