painstakingly / ˈpeɪnzˌteɪ kɪŋ, ˈpeɪnˌsteɪ- /


painstakingly2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. taking or characterized by taking pains or trouble; expending or showing diligent care and effort; careful: a painstaking craftsman; painstaking research.
n. 名词 noun
  1. careful and diligent effort.

painstakingly 近义词


等同于 narrowly


等同于 thoroughly


等同于 laboriously

painstakingly 的近义词 5

等同于 painfully

painstakingly 的近义词 5

等同于 busily


等同于 intensively


等同于 completely


等同于 hard


  1. In a paper describing the new tectonic model, the team goes over the evidence, gathered by a host of scientists over many years, in painstaking detail.
  2. The plate is metal and the bottle is glass, both substances whose visual qualities Kirwin renders with painstaking verisimilitude.
  3. As far as his songwriting goes, Wareham blames the lyrics, which he’s more painstaking about than he used to be.
  4. The answer is that the Defense Department has a painstakingly slow process to write up its requirements before it builds anything.
  5. Before printing processes developed, books took an incredibly long time to make as they had to be painstakingly written by hand.
  6. Leather was another major theme this season, and the detail on some the garments was painstakingly laborious.
  7. Built in 1764, the house has been painstakingly restored by a Parisian couple Annick and Paul Coudrier.
  8. We are learning to laugh at ourselves, to eat our pizza with corn on it, and to slowly and painstakingly listen and learn.
  9. The rules hereafter given must be carefully studied and every example painstakingly examined.
  10. There was a pause, and Mrs. Walbridge glanced anxiously from one to the other of the two painstakingly indifferent faces.
  11. Painstakingly he smooths out a little air and returns it to the astonished monarch.
  12. I can see my father yet, as he stands before the mirror, painstakingly adjusting the tie he had chosen for the day's wear.
  13. Afterward all details are painstakingly worked out, until the ideal blossoms into the perfectly executed performance.