speedily / ˈspi di /


speedily 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

speed·i·er, speed·i·est.

  1. characterized by speed; rapid; swift; fast.
  2. coming, given, or arrived at quickly or soon; prompt; not delayed: a speedy recovery.

speedily 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. As its name suggests, rapid is much speedier, at 15 minutes or less.
  2. By regulating their body temperatures, they can swim faster to catch large, speedy prey in cold waters.
  3. The teen’s rise in drone-racing ranks has been speedy, but his interest in drones developed gradually.
  4. You’d get about 50 percent if you were to go with a speedy wired solution, so there’s a tangible slowdown, even under ideal conditions.
  5. The network would provide a speedy connection to any devices within range of a base station.
  6. Nina rushed home to Cornwall, speedily typed them up and emailed them off to Mary-Kay.
  7. Initially thrilled by the Russian Revolution, Cahan was speedily disenchanted.
  8. Once cloture was finally achieved, Jones was speedily confirmed by the Senate by a 53-42 vote.
  9. I call it The Bullet,” she says, because it “speedily gets me where I want to go.
  10. If the first impact is not deadly, passengers need to be speedily evacuated to escape the other two fates.
  11. We dismounted, and speedily found that MacRae hadn't exaggerated the evil qualities of that descent.
  12. Consequently, he was soon chosen captain by his comrades, and once war broke out he speedily rose.
  13. As soon as any become vacant, I shall take care to provide for them as speedily as possible, as your Majesty so piously orders me.
  14. I confess I speedily lost consciousness of the human presences beside me, and I have little doubt Joan did too.
  15. Trieste and Grz were taken; the junction with Marmont was speedily effected, and the combined forces hurried on towards Vienna.