overmuch / ˈoʊ vərˈmʌtʃ /


overmuch 的定义

  1. too much: He didn't show overmuch concern. We tried not to regret it overmuch.

overmuch 近义词

n. 名词 noun


adj. 形容词 adjective


adv. 副词 adverb



  1. Carpenter, happily, is too fine a scholar to speculate overmuch on the ultimate fate of Proposition 8.
  2. Mrs. Temperley supposed that clever women had something of human nature in them, and valued overmuch what they did not possess.
  3. His general style is sincere; he means well; but his words, like cold-drawn castor oil, don't go down with overmuch gusto.
  4. I do not like to see a cheek as young as yours pale with overmuch thought.
  5. Another suggestion was that they lost their reason already at Yózgad, as a result of dabbling overmuch in spiritualism.
  6. "It is not possible that the good Father can cast one to hell whose sole sin was in overmuch loving," she said.