overly / ˈoʊ vər li /


overly 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. excessively; too: a voyage not overly dangerous.

overly 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. Here is a road map with three paths for how to salvage overly thin sauces, gravies and stews.
  2. To be clear, Clubhouse isn’t the only app that is overly aggressive with its connection recommendations.
  3. I am a materials scientist seeking solutions for our overly salted sidewalks by analyzing ways in which the natural world deals with ice.
  4. He’s not overly big, but he’s learned to play a style of game with patience and with a lot of technique, if you will, for the style of goalie that he is.
  5. Marketers of some instructional materials have taken advantage of the situation offering ready-made, and sometimes overly promised, solutions.
  6. Hopefully not overly close, but we talk about it in the episode how similar it is.
  7. Third parties in turn quibbled with his accounts, and he was irritated, but not overly so.
  8. “This is not about saving Christmas from the secularists, but rather from overly conscientious Christians,” Wilson writes.
  9. Suu Kyi also said at a press conference last Wednesday that the U.S. “has been overly optimistic about the reform process.”
  10. To call them mediocre, uninspiring, and stale would be overly generous.
  11. The greenish suit he wore was filled to capacity with overly developed muscles.
  12. "Well said for once, thou overly long one," growled Jorian under his breath.
  13. Josh, however, did not look overly well pleased when he heard Buster say this.
  14. I fear, Duncan, that friend of mine does not seem overly safe with his gun.
  15. As I am not overly anxious to see a master, you may enter as you can.