indecorously / ɪnˈdɛk ər əs, ˌɪn dɪˈkɔr əs, -ˈkoʊr- /


indecorously 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not decorous; violating generally accepted standards of good taste or propriety; unseemly.

indecorously 近义词


等同于 unduly


等同于 rudely


等同于 overmuch


  1. Why, because of some self-styled need for decorum in a decidedly indecorous forum and venue?
  2. His want of tact and his indecorous conduct rendered his victory fruitless, and he was recalled in 1772.
  3. He dipped under the iron rail, and crossed the row at a run; an indecorous proceeding; he could not help it.
  4. At the city concert, also, Alderman Wood displayed his indecorous conduct.
  5. All indecorous words or deportment, should be carefully restrained; and delicacy and reserve studiously cherished.
  6. This method of keeping grounds is comparatively inexpensive, therefore it is indecorous.