overabundant / ˈoʊ vər əˈbʌn dəns /


overabundant 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an excessive amount or abundance; surfeit: an overabundance of sugar in the diet.

overabundant 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. In the year before the pandemic, industry analysts were wondering whether the country was flooded with an overabundance of restaurants, shrinking profit margins toward zero.
  2. The content bloat we experience is due to the overabundance of low to medium quality content.
  3. What I think makes this notion a contradiction and hard pill to swallow as there is an overabundance of content and a lack of it at the same time.
  4. The overabundance of insulin, and eventually glucose, begins to interfere with the health and function of multiple organ systems, leading to metabolic and cardiovascular disease.
  5. Whether it was mentorship, collaborations, or connections, there was truly an overabundance of women supporting us.
  6. Another novel with an overabundance of periods and a dismissive attitude toward commas.
  7. It was like an electric shock to a group of editors operating in the bleary haze of jet lag, pasta, and fashion overabundance.
  8. He looked and sounded presidential, save for the overabundance of hair product.
  9. At the same time that she makes adequate provision she should not encourage extravagance by overabundance.
  10. Val considered the hall below, which seemed suddenly peopled by an overabundance of oddly shaped shadows.
  11. A man like Munro is never blessed with an overabundance of friends.
  12. Many of the bearers of commissions knew little more than the men; and of such untrained officers there was an overabundance.
  13. The doctrine of implied powers is expounded with all of his peculiar force and clearness, but with some overabundance of verbiage.