involving 的定义
in·volved, in·volv·ing.
- to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence; imply; entail: This job involves long hours and hard work.
- to engage or employ.
- to affect, as something within the scope of operation.
- to include, contain, or comprehend within itself or its scope.
- to bring into an intricate or complicated form or condition.
- to bring into difficulties: a plot to involve one nation in a war with another.
- to cause to be troublesomely associated or concerned, as in something embarrassing or unfavorable: Don't involve me in your quarrel!
- to combine inextricably.
- to implicate, as in guilt or crime, or in any matter or affair.
- to engage the interests or emotions or commitment of: to become involved in the disarmament movement; to become involved with another woman.
- to preoccupy or absorb fully: You are much too involved with the problem to see it clearly.
- to envelop or enfold, as if with a wrapping.
- to swallow up, engulf, or overwhelm.
- roll, surround, or shroud, as in a roll up on itself; wind spirally; coil; wreathe.
involving 近义词
draw in; include
involving 的近义词 51 个
- affect
- associate
- catch
- commit
- comprise
- concern
- connect
- contain
- cover
- embroil
- engage
- hold
- implicate
- link
- mean
- prove
- relate
- require
- suggest
- absorb
- argue
- bind
- complicate
- comprehend
- compromise
- denote
- embrace
- engross
- enmesh
- entail
- entangle
- grip
- hook
- imply
- incorporate
- incriminate
- inculpate
- mire
- necessitate
- number
- preoccupy
- presuppose
- rivet
- tangle
- touch
- mix up
- point to
- rope in
- snarl up
- take in
- wrap up in
involving 的反义词 20 个
- “I’m not entirely surprised that Apple would be involved in trying to water down legislation that concerns protection of human rights in China,” said Maya Wang, a China researcher at Human Rights Watch.
- It said grand jury records are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents.
- While most of Snyder’s attempts to obtain records from these people remain in progress, the one involving Blair recently was completed.
- Scooter and e-bike riders in the District could soon have a greater chance of collecting damages when they are involved in collisions with vehicles.
- A best-case scenario for Minnesota might involve trading back a few slots and adding a rotation piece to a young and thin roster.
- But his account of a dissident plot involving Gambian expats using U.S. weapons is similar to what Faal told the FBI.
- And yet, a dossier of allegations involving human rights could not help any cardinal at a moment like that.
- Moraca pointed to another form of return fraud, involving gift cards.
- This was never truer than in the cases involving Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
- Robberies—including those involving cellphones—were down 14 percent.
- Persistent glycosuria has been noted in brain injuries involving the floor of the fourth ventricle.
- As judge, I set about collecting his property with much diligence, involving considerable hardship.
- This acceptance is based upon a transaction involving the importation or exportation of goods.
- As a consequence several varieties of curtains, all involving the use of asbestos, have been contrived.
- That is thy false friends promising thee peace and happiness, and by their evil counsels involving thee in misery.