involving / ɪnˈvɒlv /


involving 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

in·volved, in·volv·ing.

  1. to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence; imply; entail: This job involves long hours and hard work.
  2. to engage or employ.
  3. to affect, as something within the scope of operation.
  4. to include, contain, or comprehend within itself or its scope.
  5. to bring into an intricate or complicated form or condition.
  6. to bring into difficulties: a plot to involve one nation in a war with another.
  7. to cause to be troublesomely associated or concerned, as in something embarrassing or unfavorable: Don't involve me in your quarrel!
  8. to combine inextricably.
  9. to implicate, as in guilt or crime, or in any matter or affair.
  10. to engage the interests or emotions or commitment of: to become involved in the disarmament movement; to become involved with another woman.
  11. to preoccupy or absorb fully: You are much too involved with the problem to see it clearly.
  12. to envelop or enfold, as if with a wrapping.
  13. to swallow up, engulf, or overwhelm.
  14. roll, surround, or shroud, as in a roll up on itself; wind spirally; coil; wreathe.

involving 近义词

v. 动词 verb

draw in; include


  1. “I’m not entirely surprised that Apple would be involved in trying to water down legislation that concerns protection of human rights in China,” said Maya Wang, a China researcher at Human Rights Watch.
  2. It said grand jury records are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents.
  3. While most of Snyder’s attempts to obtain records from these people remain in progress, the one involving Blair recently was completed.
  4. Scooter and e-bike riders in the District could soon have a greater chance of collecting damages when they are involved in collisions with vehicles.
  5. A best-case scenario for Minnesota might involve trading back a few slots and adding a rotation piece to a young and thin roster.
  6. But his account of a dissident plot involving Gambian expats using U.S. weapons is similar to what Faal told the FBI.
  7. And yet, a dossier of allegations involving human rights could not help any cardinal at a moment like that.
  8. Moraca pointed to another form of return fraud, involving gift cards.
  9. This was never truer than in the cases involving Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
  10. Robberies—including those involving cellphones—were down 14 percent.
  11. Persistent glycosuria has been noted in brain injuries involving the floor of the fourth ventricle.
  12. As judge, I set about collecting his property with much diligence, involving considerable hardship.
  13. This acceptance is based upon a transaction involving the importation or exportation of goods.
  14. As a consequence several varieties of curtains, all involving the use of asbestos, have been contrived.
  15. That is thy false friends promising thee peace and happiness, and by their evil counsels involving thee in misery.