invariant / ɪnˈvɛər i ənt /


invariant2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. unvarying; invariable; constant.
  2. Mathematics. normal.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Mathematics. a quantity or expression that is constant throughout a certain range of conditions.

invariant 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Dehn showed that it’s possible to use the angles of any polyhedral shape — like a tetrahedron or a cube — to calculate a single quantity, now called the Dehn invariant.
  2. Now the possibility of translation implies the existence of an invariant.
  3. Thus, to decipher a cryptogram is to seek what in this document remains invariant, when the letters are permuted.
  4. What now is the nature of this invariant it is easy to understand, and a word will suffice us.
  5. Among words that have had the most fortunate influence I would select 'group' and 'invariant.'
  6. Invariant virtue appears to be as mechanical as uninterrupted vice, for true excellence changes with conditions.