interbred / ˌɪn tərˈbrid /


interbred2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

in·ter·bred, in·ter·breed·ing.

  1. to crossbreed.
  2. to cause to breed together.
v. 无主动词 verb

in·ter·bred, in·ter·breed·ing.

  1. to crossbreed.
  2. to breed or mate with a closely related individual, as in a small, closed population.

interbred 近义词


等同于 mixed


等同于 incestuous

interbred 的近义词 3

等同于 mix


等同于 intermix


等同于 cross


  1. This species and the spotted deer have interbred, and the hybrid progeny survived.
  2. They have interbred with the Arabs to some extent, but have preserved in a marvellous way their individuality as a race.
  3. This animal has bred in captivity, and has also interbred with domestic cattle.
  4. Here it may be worth while to say a few words about the general belief that dogs in Alaska are interbred with wolves.
  5. It is highly probable, however, that after introduction into this country as a domestic animal it has interbred with the Wild Cat.