inerrant / ɪnˈɛr ənt, -ˈɜr- /


inerrant 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. free from error; infallible.

inerrant 近义词


等同于 infallible


等同于 necessary


等同于 right


等同于 sure


等同于 unerring


  1. “The Bible is, of course, the only inerrant Word of God,” she acknowledges.
  2. They are representing the purposes of God in His inerrant governmental dealings with the earth.
  3. We believe prophecies, not because history has measured up to them, but we believe them because they are the inerrant Word of God.
  4. His reason, if we prefer to call it such, is practically inerrant.
  5. Its musicianship—the sheer technical artistry which contrived it—is stupefying in its enormous and inerrant mastery.
  6. This formula is the divine challenge to every form of unbelief in an inerrant Bible.