fricassee / ˌfrɪk əˈsi /


fricassee2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. meat, especially chicken or veal, browned lightly, stewed, and served in a sauce made with its own stock.
v. 有主动词 verb

fric·as·seed, fric·as·see·ing.

  1. to prepare as a fricassee.

fricassee 近义词


等同于 simmer


等同于 cook


等同于 fry

fricassee 的近义词 8


  1. I shall use this chicken for fricassee; it has been singed, picked and wiped with a wet towel.
  2. In cooking chicken for fricassee you want to have the pieces about one size, so that they will cook easily.
  3. Part of the chicken I am going to make into a brown fricassee, and part of it I am going to fry.
  4. Cover up the sauce pan after the fricassee is seasoned, and cook it until it is tender.
  5. To keep the fricassee white, cover it (while stewing) with a sheet of buttered paper laid over the fowls.