except / ɪkˈsɛpt /


except2 个定义

prep. 介词、前置词 preposition
  1. with the exclusion of; excluding; save; but: They were all there except me.
conj. 连词 conjunction
  1. only; with the exception: parallel cases except that one is younger than the other.
  2. otherwise than; but: well fortified except here.
  3. Archaic. unless.

except 近义词

prep. 介词、前置词 preposition

other than

v. 动词 verb

leave out


  1. Except the Braves did not win 14 straight pennants (they did win 14 straight division titles), and Smoltz is a also Republican.
  2. I always wanted to have a career like his—except for the stopping work thing.
  3. In fact, Mexico buys and sells more US goods than any other country on the planet except for Canada.
  4. Except, Nomadness currently has 3,000 pending membership requests.
  5. Author J.K. Rowling says all religions are present at her beloved wizard school—except Wiccans.
  6. In fact, except for Ramona's help, it would have been a question whether even Alessandro could have made Baba work in harness.
  7. I haven't much time for seeing any one, except my patients, and the people I meet in society.
  8. The patriarchal decree of the government was a good deal of a joke on the plains, anyway—except when you were caught defying it!
  9. The camp grew still, except for the rough and ready cook pottering about the fire, boiling buffalo-meat and mixing biscuit-dough.
  10. Who he could not make out, except that it was a Kirton: and it prayed him to hasten down immediately.