evolved 的 2 个定义
e·volved, e·volv·ing.
- to develop gradually: to evolve a scheme.
- to give off or emit, as odors or vapors.
e·volved, e·volv·ing.
- to come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution: The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.
- to gradually change one's opinions or beliefs: candidates who are still evolving on the issue; an evolved feminist mom.
- Biology. to develop by a process of evolution to a different adaptive state or condition: The human species evolved from an ancestor that was probably arboreal.
evolved 近义词
develop, progress
- Those broad-brush perspectives on how regional climate is expected to vary are based on slowly evolving planetary patterns that drive weather over the scale of months.
- Hurricanes indeed appear to shape lizard diversity by helping them evolve clingy toes.
- “The solar magnetic field is evolving all the time,” says solar physicist Zihao Yang of Peking University in Beijing.
- Starting around 2012, Google’s search algorithms evolved beyond regression-based models towards deep learning.
- You can think of this new infrastructure as a rapidly evolving “matter router” that will employ increasingly complex robotic systems to move products more freely and efficiently.
- Like many Americans—but few Republican presidential candidates—the former Florida governor has evolved on the issue.
- How far has Congress really evolved on race when in 50 years it has gone from one black senator to two?
- As a result, many plants and animals have evolved innovative ways to avoid inbreeding.
- Cuban hip-hop has evolved as well, both Edgar and Julio talk about the band Los Aldeanos as the new generation of Cuban hip-hop.
- How has your sense of the art of self-exposure evolved since then?
- The evolution theory alleges that they were evolved, slowly, by natural processes out of previously existing matter.
- Having evolved this sage remark, Elmer twisted back to his old position and raised the paper.
- The carbon dioxid evolved distends the stomach, and its outline can easily be determined by percussion.
- It is likewise formed daring the decay of animal and vegetable matters, and is consequently evolved from dung and compost heaps.
- Whistling over his task, Mr. Chester soon evolved the following "Want Ad."