doubled 的 6 个定义
- twice as large, heavy, strong, etc.; twofold in size, amount, number, extent, etc.: a double portion; a new house double the size of the old one.
- composed of two like parts or members; twofold in form; paired: double doors; a double sink.
- of, relating to, or suitable for two persons: a double room.
- (10)
- anything that is twofold in size or amount or twice the usual size, quantity, strength, etc.
- a duplicate or counterpart; something exactly or closely resembling another: This dress is the double of that. He is the double of his cousin.
- Also called double room. a type of hotel accommodation with two beds, or sometimes a double bed, for occupancy by two persons.Compare twin.
- (19)
dou·bled, dou·bling.
- to make double or twice as great; to add an equal amount to: The baby doubled its weight in a year.
- to bend or fold with or as with one part over another: Double the edge over before sewing.
- to clench: He doubled his fists.
- (9)
dou·bled, dou·bling.
- to become double: My money doubled in three years.
- to bend or fold: to double over with pain.
- to turn back on a course or reverse direction: He doubled back by another road and surprised us.
- (10)
- to twice the amount, number, extent, etc.; twofold; doubly.
- two together: There are only a few beds, so some of the children will have to sleep double for the night.
- double down. See entry at double down.
- double up, to share quarters planned for only one person or family: Because of the room shortage, we had to double bend over, as from pain: He doubled up in agony.
doubled 近义词
make two of; make twice as large
- double back
- double bill
- double cross
- double date
- double Dutch
- double duty
- double feature
- double in brass
- double life
- double standard
- double take, do a
- double talk
- double up
- lead a double life
- on the double
- see double
- The second features a double-ledge move that forces everyone but Adam off their bikes.
- In Montana, I ride ancient double chairlifts that date to my wooden skis and leather boots childhood.
- Before that, the number of disrupted games in one week had yet to reach double digits.
- The pandemic has more than doubled that number in a fraction of the time.
- Haurylava raised her hand to go as soon as she learned that Intermountain Healthcare was in need — coronavirus cases were climbing by double digits, and front-line workers were pulling double shifts.
- The jet engine instantly brought two advances over propellers: it doubled the speed and it was far more reliable.
- The number of protests in China between 2006 and 2010 doubled to 180,000, and those are only the reported “mass incidents.”
- In its opening weekend the movie Heaven Is For Real (budget: $12 million) doubled its gross.
- The rate of violent crime had nearly doubled, so Republicans took ownership of that issue.
- Twitter mentions of “Bill Cosby” doubled from the previous day to more than 7,000 tweets.
- She took to staring out across the grounds again, and one hand drew up slowly till it was doubled into a tight-shut little fist.
- Tom thought he felt the hot breath of his pursuer on his neck as he doubled actively round the corner.
- He doubled and trebled his risks, and did the like, as may be guessed, to his anxieties and failures.
- On his return he again doubled cape Good Hope, which had long been regarded as the ne plus ultra of navigation.
- Many organs now constructed have their tonal effects more than doubled through adoption of this principle.