conventionalism / kənˈvɛn ʃə nlˌɪz əm /


conventionalism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. adherence to or advocacy of conventional attitudes or practices.
  2. something conventional, as an expression or attitude.
  3. Philosophy. the view that fundamental principles are validated by definition, agreement, or convention.

conventionalism 近义词


等同于 rigor


等同于 custom


等同于 formality


  1. This opens up the whole question of realism versus conventionalism in art—a subject much too large to be treated here.
  2. The old conventionalism has now altogether disappeared; there is an attempt to paint nature as she really is.
  3. The rules of conventionalism have reared an adamantine partition wall between the two.
  4. In the chapter on Industrial Exemption and Conservatism we are introduced to the reason of conventionalism and of its power.
  5. His dislike of the effete conventionalism of the literary creed blended with his aversion to the political rule of the time.