tory / ˈtɔr i, ˈtoʊr i /


tory2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural To·ries, for 1-5.

  1. a member of the Conservative Party in Great Britain or Canada.
  2. a member of a political party in Great Britain from the late 17th century to about 1832 that favored royal authority over Parliament and the preservation of the existing social and political order: succeeded by the Conservative party.
  3. an advocate of conservative principles; one opposed to reform or radicalism.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, belonging to, or characteristic of the Tories.
  2. being a Tory.
  3. opposed to reform or radicalism; conservative.

tory 近义词


等同于 reactionary


等同于 mossbacked


等同于 right-winger


等同于 rightist


等同于 traditionalist


等同于 traditionalistic


等同于 conservative


等同于 die-hard


等同于 reactionary


等同于 rightist


等同于 traditionalist


等同于 ultraconservative


等同于 conservative


等同于 diehard


  1. Organising even the simplest load to Europe has become an almost impossible task due to the mountain of Tory red tape that was brought in on the 1st of January.
  2. In WhatsApp group chats, even Londoners who hate Manchester United joked, “Any defender that tackles Rashford is a Tory.”
  3. Newmark was approached online by “Sophie Wittams,” a blond, flirty, “twentysomething Tory PR girl.”
  4. The map is mostly blue for Tory, after the last national election, when the Conservatives gained.
  5. Of the 59 MPs elected to represent Scotland in the current U.K. Parliament, only one is a Tory.
  6. “A Tory minister stepped out of the shadows to confront me,” Danczuk wrote in The Guardian.
  7. Sniffing Tory conspiracies under every Whitehall bed, ours specially?
  8. Well, 'Utchinson done very well; it's a strong Tory seat, is Croydon.
  9. The Tory gentry, who were powerful in all the counties, had special grievances.
  10. At last some ingenious Tory thought of a device by which it might be possible to strike the enemy without wounding friends.
  11. I defend civilisation for the thing it is, for the thing it has come to be, the standpoint of a real old Tory.
  12. It's a fact that the Tory total figures out much larger than the Liberal Unionist.