bourbon / ˈbʊər bən, ˈbɔr-, ˈboʊr- or, French, burˈbɔ̃ for 1-3; ˈbɜr bən for 4 or, occasionally for 3 /


bourbon 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a member of a French royal family that ruled in France 1589–1792, Spain 1700–1931, and Naples 1735–1806, 1815–60.
  2. Charles [sharl], /ʃarl/, "Constable de Bourbon", 1490–1527, French general.
  3. a person who is extremely conservative or reactionary.
  4. Also called bourbon whiskey . a straight whiskey distilled from a mash having 51 percent or more corn: originally the corn whiskey produced in Bourbon County, Kentucky.

bourbon 近义词


等同于 whiskey


等同于 diehard


  1. From cognac to bourbon, rye to añejo tequila, many of our beloved spirits spend years aging in wooden casks.
  2. In Kentucky the bourbon distillers have had to increase their payrolls by 77 per cent in two years to meet the demand.
  3. “I would enjoy having some Kentucky bourbon,” President Obama said on Wednesday.
  4. And Obama suggested that he and McConnell could share some Kentucky bourbon.
  5. He clumsily sipped from the dainty straw of a blasphemously non-bourbon beverage and smiled broadly as he talked to fellow bros.
  6. The imperialists under the duke of Bourbon, took Rome by assault and plundered it.
  7. As I left the Palais-Bourbon at five o'clock that afternoon, it rejoiced my heart to breathe in the sunny air.
  8. The house of Bourbon, the younger sons of the Valois, were at work beneath the surface of the Reformation.
  9. The Bourbon dynasty reduced brigandage very much, and secured order on the main high-roads.
  10. I now brought forth from the cupboard a bottle of my choicest Bourbon and four glasses.