retrogressive / ˌrɛ trəˈgrɛs ɪv /


retrogressive 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by retrogression; degenerating.

retrogressive 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


retrogressive 的近义词 6


  1. True, retrogressive forms occasionally occur in this as well as in most other sorts of myth and of literary composition.
  2. On the other hand, however, we also discern certain tendencies of a retrogressive nature.
  3. On the contrary, the tendency of the saint legend is retrogressive, namely, toward a return to the mrchen stage of myth.
  4. They sat on the floor and imbibed germs, and they did all sorts of unscientific, retrogressive things.
  5. On this junction being effected retrogressive changes take place in the original subintestinal vessel.