taxonomy / tækˈsɒn ə mi /


taxonomy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural tax·on·o·mies.

  1. the science or technique of classification.
  2. a classification into ordered categories: a proposed taxonomy of educational objectives.
  3. Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms.

taxonomy 近义词


等同于 nomenclature


等同于 botany


等同于 scientific classification

taxonomy 的近义词 1

等同于 classification


  1. As new information, particularly genetic information, has come in, scientists have realized that some groupings had been based on superficial similarities and have revised the taxonomy accordingly.
  2. Deals have been struck to make Magnite’s identity solution part of the taxonomy task force for the Prebid ad tech industry organization alongside the IAB Tech Lab’s Addressability working group.
  3. Lastly, the campaign performance of rigid and limited taxonomies like this is not meeting the industry’s expectations, McKee concluded.
  4. Contextual targeting for cross-device video faces a lot of the same problems that contextual faces in other digital markets, including the lack of an agreed-upon taxonomy for content.
  5. This is a word used in taxonomy for a group of closely related species.
  6. A better taxonomy would break us up by words like Acceptance, Partial Denial, and Total Denial.
  7. Taxonomy was another major area in which Aristotle influenced the history of science.
  8. Beyond this taxonomy of options, the big question is this: What outcome are we seeking with any military intervention?
  9. In order to make some sense of these questions, I undertook a Taxonomy of American Ignorance and Misperceptions.
  10. This instinctive taxonomy becomes more surprising still if we consider the variety of the game stored in a single burrow.
  11. Taxonomy and distribution of the horned lizards genus Phrynosoma.
  12. Work on the taxonomy and anatomy of marine animals was in general in full swing by the 'fifties and 'sixties.
  13. As a mere question of taxonomy his theory would have been regarded by the lay world as harmless and uninteresting.
  14. The taxonomy of some of the more important families of seed plants is discussed in a special section.