retention / rɪˈtɛn ʃən /


retention 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of retaining.
  2. the state of being retained.
  3. the power to retain; capacity for retaining.
  4. the act or power of remembering things; memory.

retention 近义词

n. 名词 noun


retention 的近义词 6
retention 的反义词 2
n. 名词 noun


retention 的近义词 5
retention 的反义词 1
n. 名词 noun


retention 的近义词 6
retention 的反义词 2


  1. Naturally, app publishers and marketers worldwide consider it extremely important to monitor several metrics concerning user engagement, user retention, and business conversion.
  2. Long-term urine retention can lead to bladder damage, urinary tract infections, and even kidney damage.
  3. The 64-year-old company formerly known as Automotive Lease Guide forecasts that the premium electric-car segment will go from currently having the lowest auction-value retention after three years to the fourth-highest 36 months from now.
  4. Both the county and Escondido have short email retention policies as well, but leaders there decided to suspend their policies because of the pandemic.
  5. For one, video content gets a longer viewing period, which means you boost user retention and prolong the interaction people have with your content.
  6. A citizens group, Kansans for Justice, has sprung up as well to oppose retention of Justices Lee Johnson and Eric Rosen.
  7. This being Monty Python, the answer should have been obvious—their memories are no more; their line retention has ceased to be.
  8. From 2009, News International has run an ‘email deletion’ or ‘data retention’ policy as do many companies.
  9. According to the enlightened celeb, “I don't particularly gain water; I don't have water retention.”
  10. But this was an element of Jeff that I understood; his mimicry and his retention for music and melody.
  11. Should the fluid contain food-particles, it is probably the result of retention, not hypersecretion.
  12. In due course the news came that the date of voting in the Senate for or against the retention of the Islands was fixed.
  13. Memory, which implies a former conscious experience, its retention, revival and recognition.
  14. This was rejected; and the lords, when the bill returned to them, did not insist upon its retention.
  15. Did he say he was innocent, or did he just have this conversation with respect to the retention of a counsel?