sweetmeats / ˈswitˌmit /


sweetmeats 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Archaic. a sweet delicacy, as a candy or candied fruit, or, originally, a cake or pastry.

sweetmeats 近义词


等同于 sweet


等同于 sweets


等同于 candy

sweetmeats 的近义词 6

等同于 sweets


  1. The fork end was used to lift sticky sweetmeats out of pottery jars; the spoon end was used to scoop up the luscious syrup.
  2. Queen Elizabeth I owned forks for sweetmeats but chose to use her fingers instead, finding the spearing motion to be crude.
  3. As sugary sweetmeats or “suckets” became more common among the rich, so the need for these forks increased.
  4. They bring corn and pulse, bacon and sweetmeats, to the sea-coast, hides and tallow also at times.
  5. They should be treated kindly, but not allowed too many toys and sweetmeats, nor too much flattery.
  6. We were offered sweetmeats and fruits, sprinkled with rosewater, and some attar of roses was put upon our handkerchiefs.
  7. They then went into a room where little pages handed them sweetmeats and gingerbread-nuts.
  8. Whereat they all laughed, which made Fina cry, to be consoled only by some sweetmeats which Josephine found in her work-basket.