slat / slæt /


slat2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a long thin, narrow strip of wood, metal, etc., used as a support for a bed, as one of the horizontal laths of a Venetian blind, etc.
  2. Aeronautics. a control surface along the leading edge of a wing that can be extended forward to create a gap to improve airflow.
  3. slats, Slang. the ribs.the buttocks.a nickname for a tall, slender man.
v. 有主动词 verb

slat·ted, slat·ting.

  1. to furnish or make with slats

slat 近义词


等同于 stick


等同于 board

slat 的近义词 5
slat 的反义词 2

等同于 splint

slat 的近义词 3

等同于 amount


  1. The bent wood leaves no corner seams, with the top and bottom pieces held together by a wood slat on the crate’s interior.
  2. Then she started back for the caves taking the slat of wood with her as a trophy.
  3. Kane peered through the broken slat and with a very grim expression drew back for the others.
  4. Originally determined by the slat of wood which strengthened the wall-plate at the point of its perforation by the trunnels.
  5. I put forth my strength, and a great slat several hundredweight fell into the sea with sullen splash.
  6. A small hole in the slat and a string tied to latch and run through a hole in the door furnished the means of raising the latch.