slab / slæb /


slab2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a broad, flat, somewhat thick piece of stone, wood, or other solid material.
  2. a thick slice of anything: a slab of bread.
  3. a semifinished piece of iron or steel so rolled that its breadth is at least twice its thickness.
v. 有主动词 verb

slabbed, slab·bing.

  1. to make into a slab or slabs.
  2. to cover or lay with slabs.
  3. to cut the slabs or outside pieces from.
  4. to put on in slabs; cover thickly.

slab 近义词

n. 名词 noun

chunk of solid object


  1. Ice slabs in craters might be easier to process, but descending the steep walls and carving up ice cubes would take more equipment.
  2. To my left, Longs Peak and its craggy fingers, called the Keyboard of the Winds, jutted straight up into the clouds, while Chiefs Head Peak, an imposing granite slab on the horizon, dominated the other half of my view.
  3. The image sensor—the little slab of pixels that actually captures light when you take a photo—has to be tiny in order to fit inside the device itself.
  4. The boldly flavored mixture is a perfect match for chicken, but that’s where I use it least, instead opting to put it on a thick slab of salmon or slather it on vegetables before roasting.
  5. The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, they’re all saying that subducting slabs are able to transport carbon and similar elements to a similar depth in the mantle.
  6. In Ferguson, Missouri, the bullet-ridden body of Michael Brown lies on a slab somewhere, and his parents await justice, and mourn.
  7. A museum-like sign on the wall claims this was Escobar's cell and that the circular slab was where he had his rotating, round bed.
  8. The only identifiable artifact is a perfectly circular slab of concrete.
  9. One of his most famous works was a huge chocolate bar painted on a concrete slab—candy that could not be bought or sold.
  10. We are interrupted by the arrival of her burger, a gigantic, half-pound slab of beef sandwiched between two shiny brioche buns.
  11. The backs are mostly cut the reverse way of the grain to the present rule, forming what are now termed "slab" backs.
  12. We have for the upper table, or front, a thin slab of wood known as pine, from a species of tree that grows all over the world.
  13. Sometimes the sarcophagus was placed behind a perforated slab of marble, as shown in the following example, given by Maitland.
  14. This Sin Sin Wa disturbed sufficiently to reveal a movable slab in the roughly paved floor.
  15. Sin Sin Wa followed with the lamp, drawing the slab down into its place behind him.