shut / ʃʌt /


shut5 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

shut, shut·ting.

  1. to put in position to close or obstruct.
  2. to close the doors of: to shut up a shop for the night.
  3. to close by bringing together or folding its parts: Shut your book. Shut the window!
v. 无主动词 verb

shut, shut·ting.

  1. to become shut or closed; close.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. closed; fastened up: a shut door.
  2. Phonetics. checked.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act or time of shutting or closing.
  2. the line where two pieces of welded metal are united.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. shut down, to close, especially temporarily; end or suspend operations, services, or business stop operating or stop the operation of: Did you remember to shut down your computer?Also shut down on / upon hinder; check; stop from doing or saying something: He appeared on the talk show to shut down his defeat or outdo:The team was able to shut down the offense. to settle over a place so as to envelop or darken it: The fog shut down rapidly.
  2. shut in, to confine, as from illness: She broke her leg in a fall and has been shut in for several weeks.
  3. shut of, Informal. free of; rid of: He wished he were shut of all his debts.

shut 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  • shut down
  • shut off
  • shut one's eyes to
  • shut out
  • shut the door
  • shut up
  • close (shut) down
  • close (shut) one's eyes to
  • close (shut) the door on
  • keep one's mouth shut
  • open and shut case
  • put up or shut up


  1. Instead, insurers refused to pay, and Century 21 is shutting down after almost 60 years in business.
  2. A day after Shanghai Disneyland’s closure, Hong Kong Disneyland shut down.
  3. Then on Sunday, Mayor London Breed shut down not just the Great Highway but the parking lots along Ocean Beach.
  4. Heeding the advice of public health experts, they quickly shut down businesses, enacted shelter-in-place orders, and built up testing and contact tracing capacity.
  5. Major Hollywood movie studios largely shut down film production in March.
  6. And the series was implausibly shut out by both the Golden Globe and SAG Awards.
  7. A train had actually arrived at the station but its doors were already shut.
  8. “I was really sexually inexperienced, really sexually shut down,” she explained.
  9. And so it was that the federal government did not shut down just when we all had visions of sugar plumbs dancing in our heads.
  10. Human trials of the Ebola vaccine have been temporarily shut down due to adverse side effects.
  11. Another crash, which nearly shut up his spine like a telescope, told him that there were no wings.
  12. After his death crowds flocked to his grave to touch his holy monument, till the authorities caused the church yard to be shut.
  13. The gnarled hands shut up into clenched fists, and the feeble voice trailed off in an agonized moan.
  14. He shut his fist and hit Butterface a weak but well intended right-hander on the nose.
  15. The Professor went straight home and shut himself up in his study.