roily / ˈrɔɪ li /


roily 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

roil·i·er, roil·i·est.

  1. turbid; muddy.
  2. turbulent.

roily 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. A week of hot sunshine had filled the Toba River bank full of roily water when Hollister breasted its current again.
  2. The water was choppy and roily, the canoe bobbed a good deal, the anchors dragged, and we did not see any fish.
  3. I had a little dog with me and we unthinkingly stepped in the spring making the water roily.
  4. Clear, cool water is essential to the trout, while some other fish will do well in warm and even roily water.
  5. No; I need a buckler till all this roily water subsides and clears.