rasping / ˈræs pɪŋ, ˈrɑ spɪŋ /


rasping2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. harsh; grating: a rasping voice.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a tiny piece of material removed by rasping or scraping: raspings of sawed wood.
  2. Cooking.raspings, dry breadcrumbs.

rasping 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


rasping 的近义词 6
adj. 形容词 adjective

grating in sound

rasping 的近义词 7
rasping 的反义词 2


  1. The hospital had exhausted its portable tanks, and the new lines were rushing oxygen from exam rooms to the row of rasping patients on the wall.
  2. She could barely hear over the rhythmic rasping of a knife being sharpened in long, aggressive sweeps.
  3. It was but child's play for so strong a man as Mr. Steele to shake off so futile a grasp, and he did so with a rasping laugh.
  4. You had perceived upon what measure of aggression, upon what rasping unkindnesses, the applause of your fellows was bestowed.
  5. A low call came from a brooding curlew, a faint sigh from a plover, and the wild rasping cry of a lapwing greeted them overhead.
  6. The twisted bar of iron stands out from the door and the ring is drawn up and down over a series of nicks, making a rasping noise.
  7. Broken crystal littered the floor in shards and puddles of strange chemicals mingled smells to become a throat-rasping fog.