overshoot / verb ˌoʊ vərˈʃut; noun ˈoʊ vərˌʃut /


overshoot3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

o·ver·shot, o·ver·shoot·ing.

  1. to shoot or go over, beyond, or above; miss: The missile overshot its target.
  2. to pass or go by or beyond: to overshoot a stop sign.
  3. to shoot or pour down over: turbulent water overshooting the top of the dam.
v. 无主动词 verb

o·ver·shot, o·ver·shoot·ing.

  1. to fly or go beyond.
  2. to shoot over or above a mark.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a shooting beyond a specified point or target: two overshoots in the missile test series.
  2. the amount of excessive distance in a trajectory or route: a two-mile overshoot on the artillery range.

overshoot 近义词


等同于 jump


等同于 miss


等同于 overrun


  1. That’s fodder for future research—but even without an overshoot effect, these results add support to the idea that you can and probably should taper your strength training at least a week before a big race.
  2. They frequently overshoot on the upside, inflating values, reputations, and egos far above their underlying value.
  3. Well, one reason why upturns follow downturns is that downturns tend to overshoot.
  4. There is a concept in financial maelstroms known as the overshoot.
  5. "Say about a couple of thousand ounces and you overshoot it," Peters answered.
  6. After being low it would come up too suddenly, overshoot the mark, only to be steered downwards again equally suddenly.
  7. But stop he must or he would overshoot his mark a half-mile before he found the level.
  8. It may again overshoot the mark, but by repeated corrections it finally attains the normal upright posture.
  9. You are overrating the effects of our failure—you never seem to be able to do anything but overshoot your mark.