overbear / ˌoʊ vərˈbɛər /


overbear2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

o·ver·bore, o·ver·borne, o·ver·bear·ing.

  1. to bear over or down by weight or force: With his superior strength he easily overbore his opponent in the fight.
  2. to overcome or overwhelm: A spirited defense had overborne the enemy attack.
  3. to prevail over or overrule: She overbore all objections to the new plan.
v. 无主动词 verb

o·ver·bore, o·ver·borne, o·ver·bear·ing.

  1. to produce fruit or progeny so abundantly as to impair the health.

overbear 近义词


等同于 pride


等同于 browbeat


等同于 bully


等同于 plume


等同于 preponderate


等同于 command


等同于 dominate


等同于 domineer


  1. “The responsibility, the weight, the burden was overbearing on her,” Laimbeer said of Wilson, who was schooled in an egalitarian college program at South Carolina and reluctant to demand the ball when it didn’t naturally find her.
  2. The natural thing for him is to give full sway to impulses that are so violent as to overbear his powers.
  3. He was angry, but he would never more attempt to overbear me with grand threats.
  4. I have through my whole life interfered to protect, not overbear, the sufferer; and I must do so now.
  5. The meer Agreableness must not overbear us, without distinguishing upon the Quality, and the Means.
  6. Vine variable in vigor, productive, healthy, often inclined to overbear.