felicitate / fɪˈlɪs ɪˌteɪt /


felicitate2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

fe·lic·i·tat·ed, fe·lic·i·tat·ing.

  1. to compliment upon a happy event; congratulate.
  2. Archaic. to make happy.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Obsolete. made happy.

felicitate 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. This is but a word to say how much we felicitate ourselves on having made the acquaintance of Hughie.
  2. Lieutenant Banning, mopping his brow, stepped forward to felicitate his commanding officer.
  3. They should call on her and felicitate her as soon as they have been informed of the affair.
  4. It is less common, although also unobjectionable, to hear people felicitate with themselves on being good guests.
  5. And then regaining control of himself, "I suppose I ought," with a forced and ghastly smile, "to felicitate you on your escape."