lactose / ˈlæk toʊs /


lactose 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Biochemistry. a disaccharide, C12H22O11, present in milk, that upon hydrolysis yields glucose and galactose.
  2. a white, crystalline, sweet, water-soluble commercial form of this compound, obtained from whey and used in infant feedings, in confections and other foods, in bacteriological media, and in pharmacology as a diluent and excipient.

lactose 近义词


等同于 carbohydrate


等同于 sugar


  1. Oatly has been around since 1994, when Swedish food scientist Rickard Öste developed the dairy substitute while researching lactose intolerance at Lund University.
  2. This processing level can even remove lactose in the protein, which means they can be the right solution for lactose-sensitive protein seekers who aren’t as interested in vegan or dairy-free options.
  3. Similarly, when humans first began consuming milk from domesticated animals roughly 11,000 years ago, the great majority could not digest lactose, a sugar in milk, as adults.
  4. Besides being an important part of milk itself, lactose is a valuable by-product in the manufacture of cheese.
  5. Members of this group uniformly ferment the lactose with the production of the gases, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
  6. It seems that the tendency is toward an increase of lactic acid in the cheese long after the lactose has disappeared.
  7. However, these acids were found in increasing amounts during the ripening process and after the lactose had disappeared.
  8. Weigh out: lactose 10 grammes and dissolve in the fluid agar.