fructose / ˈfrʌk toʊs, ˈfrʊk-, ˈfruk- /


fructose 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a yellowish to white, crystalline, water-soluble, levorotatory ketose sugar, C6H12O6, sweeter than sucrose, occurring in invert sugar, honey, and a great many fruits: used in foodstuffs and in medicine chiefly in solution as an intravenous nutrient.

fructose 近义词


等同于 carbohydrate


等同于 sugar


  1. Granulated sugar is the default sweetener, but glucose, fructose, honey and corn syrup may also be added.
  2. They can even put the glucose into other sugars — such as fructose — to make a plant’s fruit sweet.
  3. In all, the average American consumes 140 pounds of high-fructose sweeteners, including corn-based sweeteners, a year.
  4. HFCS contains at most 55 percent fructose and in some forms only 43 percent; almost all the rest is glucose.
  5. When HFCS is made from cornstarch, the fructose molecules are not bound to other sugar molecules.
  6. Every fructose molecule in sucrose, in contrast, is bound to a glucose.
  7. New research is brewing debate over the dangers of high-fructose corn syrup, writes Sharon Begley.
  8. Fructose is one of the sweetest of sugars, and helps to give honey its great sweetness.
  9. There are two common in foods, glucose and fructose; a third, galactose, is derived from more complex sugars.
  10. The fructose is precipitated as a saccharate, which is filtered, suspended in water and decomposed by carbon dioxide.
  11. The form described above is laevo-rotatory, but it is termed d-fructose, since it is related to d-glucose.
  12. Like glucose and fructose, galactose seems to promote the production of glycogen in the body.